Thursday, 26 September 2013

Lesson 6, Exciting times !!

In today's class of TWC, we discussed a rather interesting and extremely significant topic - BioBusiness. 

I always knew BioBusiness was related to sustainability and was a small futuristic idea. Little did I know that it had spread to so many regions and fields and had such a huge impact. 

So what is BioBusiness? It is commercial activities based on understanding life sciences and life science presences. Some of the major areas it is predominant are biomedical, Agri-veterinary and environmental/industrial. BioBusiness already constitutes over 25% of global GDP and employs some 40% of the world’s labor force.

Through discussions on BioBusiness, we understood that this was a revolutionary step in innovations and inventions. Because this could easily change the way we run everything. One major example Prof gave us was through a video, which showed the future of healthcare, where everything would be run by touch screen technology, making it more interactive (as we discussed in session 5- ICT and world change). Imagine if you didn't have to waste time standing in those long lines and filling all those forms to see a doctor for 5 minutes. But instead, you could just video chat with your Doc, have messages remind you to take your medicine, know the dosage of the medicine, etc. That really was an impressive video. Prof then asked us how many of agreed that this could happen in the next ten years. 
            Even though most of the class said 20 years. I did raise my hand for 10 years because I do believe that our inventions and innovations are growing faster than we can imagine. Technology is adapting our everyday lifestyle as we head towards a technological driven era, where we would cut down costs, save space and time and definitely be more eco friendly. Following the rate we are going at, I can imagine us living in a world completely run by technology, no paper, no human labour, no extra materials etc.

In relation to this video of futuristic technology, I also did manage to find a similar video about the future of glass. The link is : .
This is a must watch video as it highlights the future of touch technology. The only way I believe this is extremely feasible is because I think of it like this, 

What we thought was impossible 10 years back, is happening now. 
So why can't we dream of a bright and innovative future? 

Other interesting discussions included our detailed discussion on healthcare, its past, present and future. 
We understood how earlier, disease were more infectious disease, like diarrhea, respiratory, etc in the 90's. But now as we are headed towards 2020, diseases are tending to be more of chronic origin, like heart diseases and depression. Changes such as these have driven technological innovation over the years, and hence we can't deny the role of ICT in healthcare. 

Apart this, we also focused on nutraceuticals, i.e. food that have drug like properties, but supplement the benefits. This lead us to discuss genetically modifies food, its pros and cons. Also stem cell research and genetically engineered issues and body parts. This lead to an evaluation based on the ethical implications of all this type of research. 

The key takeaways that I had from this session was that BioBusiness is growing at an exceeding rate, and its use cannot be denied. It could potentially solve all our problems, and lead us into a new era. 
However, keeping in mind the first lesson, we must remember that every thing has its pros and cons, and we must forget the cons. Those being that if this type of research reached the wrong hands, it could lead to disaster and hence the right balance must be sought out in the BioBusiness industry.

I did find this weeks class interesting and informative. I am aware that next week's session is going to be an extension of this topic, and I am eagerly awaiting that session to gain a more holistic approach to the topic. Like Prof said, "We are living in in exciting times!" and I do hope we make the most of that.
Its time for us to embrace the change, rather than restrict it.

Ratings: 8/10

Waiting for the viral to hit again : )

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